ASCII EDITOR Running the SQL file using SQL Prompt

Running the .sql file using Get at the SQL Prompt:

1. To run this .sql file, after saving the file and exiting from notepad, at the sql >Prompt, type the command get

Ex: SQL > get

2. To execute the .sql file at the SQL > prompt type, /

Ex: SQL > /

3. The contents of the .sql file can be edited and the file run as required.

Running the .sql file using start at the SQL Prompt:

The .sql file can be compiled and executed using start or run at the SQL > Prompt.

Ex: SQL > start ;

Saving into an ASCII file from the SQL Prompt

The steps involved in saving an SQL statement into an ASCII file from the SQL prompt are:

1. At the SQL > Prompt, You can execute any valid SQL statement.

Ex: Select * from client_master;

2. If you want to save the SQL statement in a file, at the SQL > Prompt type-in save . This command automatically creates a file by the in the current working directory.

SQL > save ;

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